A Brave New World

Welcome to the New World. I am delighted to announce that, as of today, we are a fully independent financial advice practice, regulated and authorised directly by the Financial Conduct Authority. Reaching this point has demanded a huge amount of time and effort, and I will admit there were moments where my commitment waivered. Surveying the opportunity ahead of us I know it has all been worth it, and I want to share some the exciting developments we’ll being putting in place over the coming months. 


Key Points

Key information:

  • Our practice is now fully independent.
  • We are authorised and regulated directly by the Financial Conduct Authority
  • This steps affords us a fantastic range of new opportunities. 

A Bold New Vision

Direct authorisation and full independence means, to a large extent, that we are now master of our own destiny. We are now able to introduce some exciting, new strategies to our practice.

  • We have created a revised and fully updated core proposition based around the Quilter Investment Platform. This includes both streamlined investment solutions and model portfolios to support your strategic financial planning.
  • We have introduced an innovative, new charging structure with a tiered ongoing fee. From this point forward, the more money we manage for you, the lower your fee.
  • Further, the support families in build lasting security together, our ongoing fee will now reflect cumulative wealth that we manage across generations. In combination with a streamlined investment planning proposition, and Quilter’s own family linking, younger investors will encounter far fewer barriers to creating wealth.
  • We also wanted to align our interests more effectively with everyone in the practice. As we grow, with your help, we’ll be able to leverage economies of scale to reduce costs and enhance our service for everyone.
  • Finally, we’re embracing technology to make our interactions better, faster, and safer. Our client support platform, MyWealth, will significantly improve sharing information and administration securely online.


Key Points

Key information:

  • We have created a fully updated core proposition based around the Quilter Investment Platform.
  • We have introduced an innovative charging structure and strategies to support generational planning.
  • We are embracing new technologies to make our interactions faster, more efficient, and safer.

Welcome to the New World

Of course, all these flagship initiatives are painstakingly detailed in the new proposition documents and terms of engagement that we’ve been finalising over the past few months in preparation for today. Now that we can finally put these plans into action, I’m excited to meet up and tell you more. As masters of our own destiny, I genuinely believe we are now empowered to build something original, meaningful, and lasting in our practice. It’s the practice I always wanted to create for us, and I think you’re going to like it.