A World Apart

I realise I am the centre of no one’s Universe except my own. I’m also very conscious that over the past few months my entire World has been intently focused on navigating the path to independence. Designed as a ‘gatekeeper’ process to ensure consumer protection, reaching direct authorisation with the Financial Conduct Authority is achieved only through a strangled route, ascending a veritable mountain of paperwork. During that journey the level of concentration required has, at times, become all consuming.


Key Points

Key information:

  • Our practice is now fully independent.
  • We are authorised and regulated directly by the Financial Conduct Authority
  • It’s been a tough process, but we have finally arrived!

The Longest Journey

To the outside observer little may appear to have changed, perhaps beyond my appearing a little distracted at times. As discussed in my previous briefings however, achieving full independence and direct authorisation is a sea change for our practice. Over the past year we have effectively redesigned our service proposition and upgraded our processes from top to bottom. A bit like servicing a car, refitting the engine, and replacing the wheels, and all while still in motion. Keeping everything on track has been no mean feat. Seen from our current vantage point however, we are now worlds apart from where we started.

If you haven’t noticed any bumps in the road over the past few months, then I’m delighted, and it means we’ve discharged our responsibilities properly. Having reached our destination without disruptions or delays however, I felt it might be a good idea to revisit what we’ve done, and where we go next. Our new practice, which is completely independent, has a fantastic, new service proposition. We’re now able to introduce an innovative charging structure, supporting families to plan together more effectively than ever. We’ve introduced new processes, systems, and technology, all geared to exploit economies of scale for the benefit of the entire practice. It is no exaggeration to say that we’ve delivered an entirely new vehicle, fully equipped to take on whatever the future has waiting for us around the next bend.


Key Points

Key information: 

  • While perhaps not immediately noticeable, a new practice is now worlds apart from where we started.
  • The transition to full independence has allowed us to redesign and upgrade every aspect of our practice.
  • I’m looking forward to seeing you soon and tell you about it!

A First Step

Of course, even the longest journey begins with the first step. In this case, I need to take you for a spin and show off what our new practice can do. I’ll be in touch over the coming weeks to arrange for us to meet and explore our new service proposition. Naturally, if you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to let me know.