Your Financial Advice Journey with us
Initial Phone Call
We like to start with a friendly chat on the phone. It helps us understand your short and longer term goals as well as explain how we can help you achieve them.
Initial Meeting
Assuming the call goes well then we will arrange an initial meeting, generally face-to-face, either at our offices or somewhere convenient for you. We’ll delve deeper into your circumstances and look at any financial worries you have as well as your long-term goals.
Outline Letter
We’ll send you a letter, outlining the areas we’ve discussed, where we can offer you assistance, what our fees will be and how working with us will benefit you.
Authority to Proceed
If you’re happy with our suggestions, then there will be some paperwork / electronic paperwork to complete. Once that’s returned, we’ll commence working for you.
Using all the information we’ve collected from you and your existing providers, we will generate a personalised report of your exsiting portfolio along with modelling the goals that we’ve discussed. Once discussed with you, we’ll implement the actions that we’ve agreed.
Regular Reviews
Things will change; your situation, the market, laws etc. We keep a regular review on your plan, and keep you informed as and when changes are required.