Wills and Will Writing

What is a Will?
A Will is a legal document that specifies in detail how you would like your possessions distributed in the event of your death. Surprisingly, statistics indicate that one in three individuals do not have a Will.
Not having a Will means that your next of kin will inevitably be faced with additional responsibilities after your death. The responsibility of obtaining the legal right to deal with your estate, of deciding who will receive your assets and most importantly, who will be the guardian of your children.
If you have not made a Will your estate will be distributed in line with the intestacy rules.
Intestacy rules are not as straightforward as you might think and inheritance disputes are not uncommon. Without a Will, there is absolutely no guarantee that your intentions and wishes will be implemented as you wish, at a time of intense grief for those that you truly care about.
You can remove a substantial amount of uncertainty from the lives of your loved ones today, by making a Will a priority.
The process is straightforward and totally affordable. Request a call back now to get started.

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Do I need a Will?
Your Will provides you with certainty that your final wishes will be respected and your personal effects distributed as you direct. This also relieves your loved ones of the responsibility of making decisions regarding your final affairs, since you have made those desires known legally. Your Will specifies your directives and desires related to:
The person chosen by you who should deal with the administration and distribution your estate. This avoids disputes among loved ones.
Who you want to look after your infant child or children
Names the people that you want to act as Trustees and also confirms their powers i.e. are they able to invest on behalf of the beneficiary/ies?
Funeral Arrangements
Such as burial plans or desire for cremation, or type of service
How Do I Get a Will?
You can actually write your own Will, but to ensure it meets legal interpretation that matches your intentions and to ensure that it is legally enforceable, you should seek professional expertise.
Wills should also be revisited on a regular basis to make sure the content is consistent with your existing wishes. Wills can be updated or amended legally with a document called a codicil.